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4824 Camden Avenue, Pennsauken, NJ 08110       Phone: (856) 662-2721       Fax: (856) 486-2089
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Holy Thursday: April 1st: 8:00PM - 9:00PM
(After Mass - Holy Thursday)
NO Confessions on Saturday, April 3rd


Holy Thursday, April 1, 2021
Mass of the Lord's Supper
7:00PM (Bi-Lingual)

8:00PM - 10:00PM

Good Friday, April 2, 2021
Celebration of the Lord's Passion - 3:00PM (Bi-Lingual)
Via Crucis (Spanish Stations) - 5:30PM

Stations of the Cross- 7:30PM

Church will be open from 12:00PM - 3:00PM

Easter Vigil Mass, April 3, 2021
8:00PM (NO 4:30pm or 6:30pm Mass)

Easter Sunday, April 4, 2021
Masses: 8:30AM & 10:30AM


Bishop Dennis Sullivan has directed that all parishes have the distribution of the Eucharist
during the Mass. Since last June, our parish has had this at the end of the Mass. Beginning the weekend of June 5th & 6th, we will have people receive the Eucharist during the Mass. We will not go back to the "normal way", where everyone would come from the side sections, through the pews into the main aisle.

We will have people directed to come from the back of Church down the side aisles, then return back to their places by the main aisle. We have done this several times this past year (Ash Wednesday, Holy Thursday), and we encourage everyone to leave the Church through the side doors of the Church.

I invite all parishioners to consider being involved in one of the liturgical ministries during our Masses. We are in need of Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers.

Please consider being more involved in our Eucharistic celebration. If you would like more information please contact Fr. Ed at the Rectory 662-2721.


Saturday: 6:30pm (Spanish)

Sunday: 8:30am & 10:30am

Confessions: Saturday

Weekday Masses: Monday, Tuesday
Wednesday & Friday: 8:00am

Since the end of November, until January 12th, the Church has celebrated the liturgical seasons of Advent and Christmas. The Church environment went from the Advent wreath, purple vestments to trees, lights, poinsettias and the Nativity scene.

The Church now begins the yearly cycle of thirty four weeks in which no particular aspect of the mystery of Christ is celebrated, but rather the mystery of Christ itself is honored it's fullness, especially on Sundays. This period is known as Ordinary time. It is not very ordinary at all. During Ordinary time, the celebration on Sunday is identifying mark of the Christian community which comes together, remembering that on the first day of the week the Lord of Life was raised up and creation came at last to completion.

How we live each Sunday, proclaims to the world what we believe about our faith now and forever.


January 13th - Class
January 20th - NO Class
January 27th - Class

The Religious Education program has begun for ALL Grades 1st - 8th.
The Classes are on Monday evenings from 6:15pm until 7:30pm, in St. Cecilia School. If you have not registered your child, call the Rectory Monday-Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm.
Click Here for updates on Fr. Ed Friel's Pilgramage to Rome